Written by Anhayla Stanley
It's always hard when you’re trying to start something new.
Whether it's this big idea you have or a dream — Sometimes it’s so easy to get in the habit of taking inventory of the things that you DON’T have.
“I don't have this…”
“I don't have that…”
“I am not this…”
“I am not that…”
These type of statements don't get you anywhere….they keep you stuck. Stuck in limited beliefs about yourself. Stuck in a lack mentality instead of an abundance mentality.
Today write a list of five things that you DO have. Make it specific.
Take a moment and look at everything in your life, everything you've been through, your personal experiences, the people you have in your life. List the things that already make you great — the things that make you feel good about yourself.
This list isn't limited to physical objects or big achievements. It could be your willingness to never give up, your laugh, your kindness to others. These things matter just as much. Take a full inventory of who you are and spare no details.
When you start to celebrate what you already have you'll realize that you have a lot. Count your blessings one-by-one and thank God for each and everyone of them.
You are filled with so much love, perseverance and determination. It’s not about what you have that makes you who you are. It’s about how you spiritually show up in this world. It’s about how you make others feel. It’s about how you treat yourself when no one is looking. That is what true wealth is.
How wealthy are you? How much do you have to start?
You have everything within you to succeed and make this life everything it needs to be. Be gentle with yourself and most of all don't put down the accomplishment you've made this far. Celebrate everything that you are because those experience’s have gotten you this far.
You still have breath in your lungs, you still have today, you still have right now to choose peace.
Your journey is not over.