Written by Anhayla Stanley
Teacher: Relax your mind.
Student: How do I do that?
Teacher: Don't think.
Student: How do you I that?
Teacher: Focus on your breath.
Student: How do I do that?
Teacher: Inhale for 3 seconds, hold your breathe for 3 seconds, exhale for 3 seconds and repeat that during the day.
Today is about slowing down — not just your body but also your mind. While it may be true that many of us have been spending more time at home in quarantine, our minds may actually been working harder than before the pandemic to try to process everything that's happened.
This pandemic is a first of its kind in our lifetime so it’s quite understandable why your mind would be in overdrive. The mind is constantly trying to solve things so it goes to work when we start to worry and overthink.
There is so much you could choose to worry about in these uncertain times. You might be stressed out with questions like, “What about my job? What about the safety of my family? What about the state of this country? What about the elections? What about my relationship?”
These are all valid questions but they don't have to be answered at this specific moment.
Give yourself a break and start focusing on what truly matters…your breath.
Your assignment today is to take 30 minutes and just be present with yourself. There are no rules to this assignment. Find a quiet place by yourself and focus on your breath. If you like to meditate…meditate. If you want to put on your favorite song and close your eyes…do that. If you want to journal in silence…that's ok too. Make it your own.
Slow down and put your mind at ease. Spend time with yourself and take the pressure off your mind to constantly problem solve. Give yourself permission to live in the present moment and appreciate the simplicity of life.
It’s hard to focus on ourselves especially if you are service minded, however, you can't give to anyone else if you are empty inside.
This exercise is about restoring your soul, listening, being present with God so you can be present with yourself. Prioritize your peace today and show up for YOU.
You don't have to figure it all out today but you do have to breathe.
You deserve peace of mind.