Written by Anhayla Stanley
It’s painful to be angry…think about it. It’s a psychological pain that learns how to express itself in the body simultaneously. When we are angry that is dangerous for the mind. Our intentions get skewed because we want others to feel the same pain we feel. Whether it be physical or emotional pain…the intention is clear.
The opposite of anger is patience…when you can welcome whatever happens in life and release the expectation of what It should be. This isn't you being passive…its you protecting your peace and changing your attitude so you can continue to grow. Anger is a weakness, contrary to what we may have learned. It causes you to have tunnel vision on what is wrong and ignore any possible solutions to fix the problem.
We've been taught to see anger as a strength. It’s seen as being assertive and a means of protection to stay in control. However, anger is the easy way to lose control. It’s easy to get angry…you don't have to study or train to do it. Anger is historical, you can find it in the history books, you can see it on TV, in politics, in your family…it’s everywhere.
Anger breeds short term results but If you really want to be powerful you must first gain control of your mind. It takes so much more energy and patience to control your mind when bad things happen in life. It takes strength to forgive someone who has wronged you and show them compassion. It takes strength to think about how to respond to someone before blurting the first hurtful thing that comes to mind.
Most of the stuff we get angry about doesn't even deserve the energy. Problems that can't even be seen. The problems that are in the mind. The things out of our control — the weather, the traffic, trending topics…other people. I’ve seen all out twitter wars and hundreds of comments on Instagram filled with so much rage and anger over topics that don't even directly impact the commentators life.
There’s nothing strong about being angry…this emotion doesn't serve you all it does is foster a false truth that it’s ok to hurt someone if they hurt you. I know this isn't a popular opinion but imagine a world where no one wanted to harm another…Where people talk openly and address their false truths instead of feeding them.
Just because there are are unpleasant things happening outside of you doesn't mean you have to experience the same displeasure in your mind. Liberate yourself and focus on solving the problems inside your head. Don't give your peace away…fight for it. Train for it. It takes work…but your peace is worth it.
Liberate yourself