Written by Anhayla Stanley
A relationship doesn’t determine your value, whether you are “marriage” material, or your beauty.
All those things you decide.
Someone can hold an opinion but how you define and value yourself is the only information that is fact in your mind.
The truth is...not every person you're attracted to will be right for you, some of them may not even be attracted to you but the beautiful thing is that there is a specific person that was cultivated just for you.
You may not have met your soulmate yet but this person is out there right now working, building and grooming themselves so they will be just right when you meet them.
Your soulmate wont care care about any imperfections, added weight, people you dated in the past, they will be focused solely on...you. The you that YOU may not even be able to see. The essence of who you are - the God part.
Your soulmate will love you the way YOU love you. So, its more important to do YOUR work - be whole, get whole, focus on how you communicate and less on being “perfect” enough so someone can “choose” you.
You are already chosen, from the moment you came into this world and breathed your first breath. Your soul was chosen for this life and there is somebody that God chose for you too.
Will you be ready for your soulmate?
Ready to receive love?
Ready to give love?
The person that is for you wont come until your soul is in order to receive your soul mate. Whole people attract whole people. Only God can heal your brokenness, not a relationship or even a soulmate. You will learn that brokenness will lead you to your soulmate.
Once you focus on yourself and start doing the necessary things to heal those things you once covered in hopes that no one could see, it will take you places in spaces you never walked.
Spirit will be leading you slowly to your soulmate as you start to let go of habits, old truths and beliefs that no longer serve you. Then, when you are not even expecting it, when your gage is so narrow from focusing on your own healing, you will see your soulmate.
Your journey doesn’t end there - you still have growing to do and that you will do for a lifetime. The difference is now, your growth is accelerated because your foundation is solid. You know who you are. You don't depend on a partner’s validation to feel loved because you’ve learned how to love yourself. Now you and your soulmate can grow together - still separate, but partnered for this experience of life.